Pro Coconut Cashew Milk

jugs of coconut cashew milk made with the almond cow pro
jugs of coconut cashew milk made with the almond cow pro 

Pro Coconut Cashew Milk

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Servings: 30
Prep Time: 10 min

Run Time: 15 min



With the filter basket in the Almond Cow Pro, add in the cashews, fine shred coconut, and dates. Fill with water to the MAX line. Plug in, press the Cow Start Button. To enhance creaminess further, just run the machine for a second time. When the 9 grinding cycles are complete, bottle milk and refrigerate. Use leftover pulp in oatmeal bowls or refrigerate for further use in smoothies or baking. Enjoy!

The Pro will continue to beep if there is no water in the machine. This is a safety precaution and when you are finished with the cycle, unplug the machine to turn it off.  

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