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Coconoat Milk

almond cow milk jug with half whole grain oats and half coconut shreds

Enjoy the creamy, flavorful combination of oats and coconut. Slightly sweetened with maple syrup, the possibilities are truly endless!

Servings: 4
Prep Time: 5 min
Run Time: 1 min


  • ½ cup soaked whole grain oats (soaked for at least 4 hours or overnight in the fridge. Approximately ¼ cup dry whole grain oats before soaking)
  • ½ cup coconut shreds
  • 1-2 tbsp maple syrup
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp sea salt


  1. Place all ingredients in the filter basket. Attach the filter basket to the top of the Almond Cow and twist in the direction of the close arrow to secure.
  2. Fill the Almond Cow base to the MIN line (5 cups) with water, attach the top.
  3. Plug in the Almond Cow and press the cow start button.

    It will run through 3 automatic stages. When the green light stops flashing, your milk is ready!

Having a nut milk maker like the Almond Cow allows you to make delicious plant based milk from your own home, while controlling ingredients and taste.