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Tiger Nut Milk

Tiger Nut Milk being poured into an almond cow jug

Tiger what?! You heard us! Tiger nuts, if you haven't already heard, have been cultivated for centuries and are now making a comeback. They're known for their high resistant starch fiber content and prebiotic components. Not to mention, tiger nuts are a great source of plant protein, and have a naturally sweet flavor, making it the perfect base for your next milk recipe!

  • Yield: 5-6 Servings
  • Prep time: 5 Minutes
  • Run time: 0 Minutes


  • 1 cup tiger nuts (soaked for 1-2 days in the fridge)
  • 1-2 chopped, pitted dates or 1-2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch of sea salt


  1. Place soaked tiger nuts, dates (or maple syrup), and vanilla in the filter basket. Attach the filter basket to the top of the Almond Cow and twist in the direction of the close arrow to secure.
  2. Fill the Almond Cow base to the MIN line (5 cups) with water.
  3. Add sea salt to the water, attach the top.
  4. Plug in the Almond Cow and press the cow start button!

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