CocoCash™ Pulpmeal

bowl of vegan cococash pulpmeal bowl topped with fruit

CocoCash™ Pulpmeal is a quick and delicious way to enjoy your leftover pulp. Top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!


  • 1 cup pulp from CocoCash™ Milk
  • 1-2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 kiwi, sliced
  • ½ banana, sliced
  • ¼ cup blueberries


  1. Create CocoCash™ Milk.
  2. Remove Almond Cow top from the filter basket.
  3. Place pulp in a bowl. Add maple syrup and mix together.
  4. Top pulpmeal with kiwi, bananas, and blueberries to serve. Enjoy!
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