Pineapple Raspberry Infusion

person holding filter basket full of raspberries and pineapple

Enjoy this delicious, refreshing Pineapple Raspberry Infusion! The perfect combination of naturally sweet, juicy fruit mixed with your favorite liquid.

person holding filter basket full of raspberries and pineapple


  • pineapple
  • raspberries


  1. Using whatever ratio suits your fancy, add (roughly chopped) pineapple and raspberries to the filter basket to the 1 cup line.
  2. Pour your liquid of choice into the base. We love water, coconut water, sparkling water, lemonade, or iced tea - yes you can put ice cubes in the base!
  3. Press the cow, serve, and enjoy!

Note: For a more concentrated beverage use the Creamer Method.

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