Rainbow Smoothie

Rainbow fruit smoothie with glass of plant-based milk

Bright, bold and delicious layers make up this beautiful Rainbow Smoothie. Featuring leftover almond pulp and almond milk from your Almond Cow!

Servings: 2
Prep Time: 20 min

Rainbow fruit smoothie with glass of plant-based milk


Rainbow Smoothie:
  • ½ tbsp of chia seeds (3 tbsp chia seeds total)
  • ½ tbsp of flax meal (3 tbsp flax meal total)
  • ½ tbsp of almond pulp (3 tbsp almond pulp total)
  • ½ cup of almond milk (3 cups almond milk total)
Blueberry Smoothie
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • ½ tbsp butterfly pea powder (optional)
Green Smoothie
  • ½ cup frozen spinach
  • 1 kiwi
Mango Smoothie
  • ½ cup frozen mango
Banana Smoothie
  • 1 frozen banana
Strawberry Smoothie
  • ½ cup frozen strawberries
Blackberry Smoothie
  • ½ cup frozen blackberries


    1. In a high speed blender or food processor add ½ tbsp of chia seeds, ½ tbsp of flax meal, ½ tbsp of almond pulp, ½ cup of almond milk, frozen blueberries and optional butterfly pea powder. Blend until completely smooth and transfer equally into two glasses leaving room for 5 other layers.
    2. Repeat the process using the "Rainbow Smoothie " ingredients as the base and adding the respective color ingredients for each of the other rainbow smoothie layers.
    3. Enjoy immediately.
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