Honey Nut Chamomile Latte

Plant-based, Honey Nut Chamomile Latte in a mug

Make this warming Honey Nut Chamomile Latte in moments using your Almond Cow! Relax and enjoy the beautiful flavors of honey, almond, and chamomile.

Total Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1-2

Plant-based, Honey Nut Chamomile Latte in a mug


  • hot water to 500mL line of the collector cup
  • 1 cup almonds
  • 1-2 tbsp thick honey
  • 1 tbsp dried chamomile flowers


  1. Fill the collector cup with hot water to the 500 mL line. Place collector cup inside the Almond Cow base.
  2. Place the almonds and thick honey in the filter basket. Attach the filter basket to the top of the Almond Cow and twist in the direction of the close arrow to secure.
  3. Plug in the Almond Cow and press the cow start button. It will run through 3 automatic stages. When the green light stops flashing, it is complete.
  4. Steep dried chamomile flowers in it for a few minutes. Serve!
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