How To Clean Your Almond Cow

How To Clean Your Almond Cow
How To Clean Your Almond Cow

We designed the Almond Cow to be as easy to clean as it is to make milk with. The key for the fastest cleanup is to do everything while the unit is still damp from making milk - nut residue is much harder to clean when dry.


How To Clean Your Almond Cow

Step 1

While the machine is still wet, unscrew the filter basket in the direction printed on the outside (counter-clockwise).

How To Clean Your Almond Cow

Step 2

Remove the pulp from the filter basket. This makes for excellent compost, but an even better recipe ingredient. We have a number of pulp recipes on our site, including almond pulp granola, chocolate chip cookies, and more.

How To Clean Your Almond Cow

Step 3

While the machine is still wet, rinse the blade under running water. The stainless steel underside of the Almond Cow top is safe from water, so use your hand or a rag to remove any remaining pulp. Be careful not to get any water in the vents!

How To Clean Your Almond Cow

Step 4

Be sure to rinse the filter basket thoroughly. Over time, some of the pores in the canister may close up with the almond paste. This happens faster if the Almond Cow is allowed to dry with nut pulp on it. Don't worry! This just takes a bit longer to clean up. If this happens, place the filter basket in a vinegar solution of 2 tbsp vinegar and 2 cups of water until the pores are fully submerged. Allow to soak overnight, then use a sponge and water rinse to wipe up the next day.

How To Clean Your Almond Cow

Step 5

Give the base a good rinse with warm water, and soap if necessary.

How To Clean Your Almond Cow

Step 6

If you used the collector cup, be sure to wash it as well. Once everything is cleaned up, you may hand dry it and put it away, or just leave it to air dry.

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