Vegan Sourdough Brioche

Vegan Sourdough Brioche
Time for brunch! Sourdough Brandon’s vegan spin on Sourdough Brioche is a tender, rich take on a classic brioche using sourdough starter and plant milks made with the Almond Cow Milk Maker. Spread it with jam, turn it into a luscious French Toast or just tear it apart with your hands and eat it over the sink…you can’t go wrong with this treat.
Recipe provided by Sourdough Brandon / @sourdoughbrandon
  • 40g active sourdough starter
  • 40g bread flour
  • 40g water
  • 330g bread flour
  • 7g salt
  • 150g almond milk
  • 50g unsweetened apple sauce
All of the levain (or 120g of active sourdough starter) 85g (6 TBS) vegan butter, softened


  1. Make the levain. Mix the sourdough starter, bread flour, and water together in a clean jar. Set aside in a warm location for 4-5 hours until doubled in size and bubbly.
  2. Mix the bread flour, salt, almond milk, apple sauce, and all of the levain together in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough attachment for about five minutes. If mixing by hand, it may take a few more minutes to come together.
  3. While mixing, slowly add one TBS of softened vegan butter at a time until the dough is silky smooth and passes the windowpane test (about 7 mins in the stand mixer or longer if mixing by hand).
  4. Place the dough in a medium-sized bowl, cover, and bulk ferment in a warm location for 4-5 hours and doubled in size. After the first hour, perform a few stretch and folds in the dough to continue strengthening it. Repeat another set of stretch and folds after another hour.
  5. Place the dough in the refrigerator to cold proof overnight.
  6. The next day, oil a small 9”x4” pullman pan or 9x5” bread loaf pan. Punch down the cold dough, turn it out onto a clean work surface, and divide it into three equal-sized pieces. Shape and roll each piece of dough into a log that's the width of the pan. Place the rolls seam-side down into the pan to proof.
  7. Cover and proof in a warm location for about 4-5 hours and until doubled in size. The dough should rise about an inch below the top of the pan.
  8. Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Brush the tops of the brioche with a wash of maple syrup and a splash of water. Place the brioche in the oven and immediately turn down the oven to 350ºF and bake for 45mins until the internal temp is 200ºF or the top is golden brown.
  9. Cool for 5 mins in the pan and then turn it out onto a wire rack to finish cooling.


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