Pink French 75

Pink French 75

This pink version of the classic French 75 is perfect for celebrating love. It’s light and bubbly with a hint of botanicals from the gin and fresh lemon juice. This bubbly pink drink is a great choice for a Valentine’s date or Galentine’s brunch with friends.

Servings: 4 (4 ounces each)

Pink French 75


  • 100 mL Gin
  • 400 mL Sparkling rosé
  • 2 lemons (pith removed) and cut into quarters
  • 2 Tbsp sugar or sweetener of choice


  1. Add the Gin and Sparkling rosé to the collector cup. Place collector cup inside the Almond Cow base (no other liquid is added).
  2. Add the the lemons and sugar to the filter basket. Attach the filter basket to the top of the Almond Cow and twist in the direction of the close arrow to secure.
  3. Plug in the Almond Cow and press the cow start button. It will run through 3 automatic stages. When the green light stops flashing, your Pink French 75 is ready!
  4. Divide into 4 champagne flutes. Garnish each drink with a lemon peel.
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