Limonada de Coco

limonada de coco being poured in a glass

Enjoy this classic Colombian Limonada de Coco made in moments using your Almond Cow. The perfect combination of coconut and lime, makes for the most refreshing beverage!

Total Time: Less than 5 minutes
Servings: approx. 4

limonada de coco being poured in a glass


  • 3 limes (peel and pith removed)
  • 1 cup coconut cream
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar*
  • 4 cups water
  • Ice to min line


  1. Add limes, coconut cream and sugar to the filter basket, and add water and ice to the base.
  2. Attach the filter basket to the top, and the top to the base. Press the cow, and when the green light stops flashing, your Limonada de Coco is ready!

NOTE: *If following a keto lifestyle, sweeten each serving to taste using liquid stevia.

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