Dalgona Coffee

Almond Cow Dalgona Coffee in glasses

Dalgona Coffee - need we say more?! CocoCash™ milk made in your Almond Cow topped with a creamy, whipped coffee makes for the perfect treat!

Servings: 2-4


  • 4 cups CocoCash™ Milk
  • ¼ cup instant coffee
  • ¼ cup coconut sugar
  • ¼ cup hot water
  • ice


  1. Create CocoCash™ Milk. Set aside.
  2. Add instant coffee, coconut sugar, and boiling water to a bowl. Use a whisk or handheld mixer to combine the ingredients. Beat until a whipped, light, and fluffy consistency forms (approximately 5 minutes).
  3. Serve CocoCash™ Milk over ice. Top with the whipped coffee.
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