Pumpkin Puree

bowl of vegan pumpkin puree

Only two simple ingredients needed to make this Pumpkin Puree. Creamy, flavorful and perfect to enjoy on any fall day!

Total Time: Less than 5 minutes
Servings: Makes about 1 cup

bowl of vegan pumpkin puree


  • 1 cup cashews
  • water to 500mL line of collector cup
  • cooked pumpkin, filled to 1 cup line in the filter basket


  1. Place 1 cup of cashews in the filter basket. Attach the filter basket to the top of the Almond Cow and twist in the direction of the close arrow to secure.
  2. Add water to the 500mL line in the collector cup. Place collector cup inside the Almond Cow base (no other water is added to the machine). Attach the top.
  3. Plug in the Almond Cow and press the cow start button. It will run through 3 automatic stages. When the green light stops flashing, it is complete.
  4. Keep cashew pulp in the filter basket, and add cooked pumpkin (filled to the 1 cup line) of the filter basket. At this point you should have a mixture of cashew pulp and cooked pumpkin in the filter basket. Blend for another cycle (keeping the cashew creamer in the collector cup).
  5. Stir leftover pulp in the filter basket to remove some more liquid, and enjoy the pumpkin puree!
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