Stocking Your Fridge for the Back-to-School Season

Stocking Your Fridge for the Back-to-School Season

This time of year, many parents find themselves scrambling to get their families ready for the new school year. Amidst shopping for school supplies and new outfits, an area that often gets overlooked is the fridge. Stocking your fridge efficiently can make all the difference in ensuring your kids are well-nourished to tackle their school days, and keeping breakfast and dinner difficulty to a minimum.

Let Almond Cow help you stock your fridge smartly for the back-to-school season with our step-by-step guide!


1. Plan Ahead for Balanced Meals

A successful school year starts with a well-stocked fridge that supports balanced meals. This way, you can ensure your children get the nutrients they need to stay focused and energetic. Check out our blog on 10 Critical Nutrients to see some of the key vitamins and minerals to include in your meals, and keep these ingredients in mind when you meal prep:

  • Proteins: Keep a supply of easy-to-cook proteins like tempeh, tofu, and eggs. Pre-cooked or raw options like lentils, beans, nuts and seeds are great to have on hand for quick lunches or dinners. Visit our blog on Plant Protein for more ideas. 


  • Vegetables: Stock up on versatile veggies such as carrots, bell peppers, spinach, and broccoli. Pre-wash and cut them for convenience, making them easy to grab for snacks or to add to meals.


  • Fruits: Keep a variety of fresh fruits like apples, bananas, berries, and grapes. These can serve as quick snacks or additions to breakfast.


  • Whole Grains: Don’t forget about whole grain options like whole wheat tortillas, brown rice, oats, or quinoa. These can be used in various recipes and are a good source of energy.

2. Stock Up on Snacks

Healthy snacks are essential for maintaining energy levels between meals. Stock your fridge with options that are both nutritious and appealing to kids.

  • Yogurt: Greek or regular yogurt can be a good source of protein and calcium. Consider making individual cups for convenience, using our Dairy-Free Coconut Yogurt recipe


  • Cheese Sticks: String cheese or cheese slices are easy to pack in lunchboxes and can be a great way to add calcium and protein to snacks.


  • Hummus: Pair hummus with veggies or whole grain crackers for a tasty, healthy snack.


  • Fresh Fruit: Pre-slice apples or have berries ready to go. Fruit is a great snack option that can satisfy sweet cravings while providing vitamins and fiber.

3. Make Mornings Easier

Breakfast is often a rushed affair on school mornings, so having grab-and-go options ready can be a lifesaver.


  • Smoothie Ingredients: Keep fruits like bananas and berries in the freezer along with some yogurt or milk for quick, healthy smoothies. You can also try a trendy smoothie bowl, like Almond Cow’s Summer Fruit Smoothie Bowl


  • Egg Muffins: Bake a batch of egg muffins with vegetables and cheese. These can be stored in the fridge and quickly reheated for a protein-packed breakfast.


4. Keep Beverages on Hand

Hydration is crucial for your kids’ concentration and overall health, so make sure your fridge is stocked with healthy beverages that are easy to access. 

  • Water: Always have plenty of water available. Consider a water filter or add slices of fruit to a jug for a flavor boost.


  • Milk: Whether you prefer almond milk for your cereal or oat milk for your coffee, having a variety of milk options can cater to different preferences and dietary needs.


  • 100% Juice: If you opt to keep juice, choose one of Almond Cow’s juice recipes that skip the refined sugar or corn syrup. Try our ACE Juice that’s made with oranges and carrots, or our Green Juice that features spinach and coconut water.

5. Prepare for Lunches

Packable lunch items are a must for school days. Consider items that can be assembled quickly and will stay fresh throughout the day.

  • Wraps and Sandwiches: Keep tortillas and whole grain bread for making wraps and sandwiches. Include fillings like Almond Cow Pickles, cheese, lettuce, and tomato to keep things customizable.


  • Pre-cut Veggies: Have a selection of pre-cut veggies ready to go. These can be added to lunchboxes or served as a side.


  • Leftovers: If you have leftovers from dinner, store them in portion-sized containers for an easy lunch option.

6. Organize Your Fridge 

An organized fridge not only helps you find what you need quickly but also ensures that items are used before they spoil.

  • Clear Containers: Use clear, airtight containers to store prepped fruits, veggies, and snacks. This helps in keeping food fresh and easily visible.


  • Labeling: Label containers with the date they were prepared or stored to keep track of freshness.


  • Designated Zones: Create specific zones in the fridge for different categories like snacks, fruits, veggies, and drinks. This keeps everything in its place and makes it easier for kids to find what they need.


By stocking your fridge thoughtfully and preparing in advance, you can ease the transition back to school for your kids and support their busy schedules with nutritious and convenient options.

What are your tips for making back-to-school meals easy? Let us know in the comments below!