Pecan Pie Latte

vegan Pecan Pie Latte in a mug

'Tis the season for holiday inspired drinks like this Pecan Pie Latte! Grab a blanket, cozy up on the couch and enjoy this easy to make, refined sugar-free, seasonal latte without venturing into the cold to get it.

Recipe and photo by @veggiekins

vegan Pecan Pie Latte in a mug


  • 1 cup pecan cashew milk (½ cup cashews, ½ cup pecans made in the Almond Cow)
  • 1 shot of coffee, or strong tea
  • 1 tbsp pecan butter
  • 1-2 dates (pits removed)
  • ¼ tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch of ground cinnamon or stew 1 cinnamon stick
  • pinch of salt


  1. Heat all of your ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Using either a milk frother, or a high speed blender, mix until all ingredients are well incorporated and the latte is smooth. Enjoy!
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